This is How Long the Average Australian Spends Using Their Phone Every Year | Men's Health Magazine Australia

This is How Long the Average Australian Spends Using Their Phone Every Year

We check our phones as soon as we wake up. We rely on our phones to keep us entertained on public transport. We use our phones on the toilet, lying in bed, and thank god for waterproof cases because we can now also use them in the shower.

The question should probably be “how long do we spend not on our phone?” If you honestly think about how much you use your phone, you’ll know it’s a lot – but you probably don’t realise how much time you’re wasting glued to your mobile.

A study from Huawei, in partnership with Decibel Research, conducted a study into how Australians use their phones, looking at everything from where and how much we use them, to the secrets we store on them. 

The study found that the average Australian spends 2.5 per day on their phones, which doesn’t sound like much – but that works out to be a whopping 38 days a year!

Other interesting highlights of the study include:

  •  Aussie blokes are practically tied to their phones, with 74 per cent admitting to having their phone at hand throughout the entire day, compared to 60 per cent of females
  • 1 in 10 Australians admitted to using their phone while having sex with their partner
  • 2 out of 5 said damaging their phone would be more upsetting than being cancelled on by friends
  • 46 per cent of people track their fitness results on their phones, but only 36 per cent of people would share these details with friends (with 31 per cent of people admitting to fudging the results)
  • 70 per cent of people admitted to storing potentially life-ruining information on their phones.

These results are pretty incredible, but when you take a look around are you really surprised? Still, we can’t help but feel that they’re 38 days a year we’ll never get back.



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