This 78-Year-Old's Birthday Workout Will Amaze You | Men's Health Magazine Australia

This 78-Year-Old’s Birthday Workout Will Amaze You

For Jacinto Bonilla, the so-called “grandfather of CrossFit,” birthdays are definitely not a day off from the gym.

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The 78-year-old has earned a reputation among CrossFitters for pushing himself on his July 3 birthday every year since his 69th. He has created this killer workout which is all done in repetitions coinciding with his current age.

The workout, fittingly nicknamed the “Jacinto Storm,” includes 78 double-unders, 78 squats, 78 push-ups, 78 chin-ups, 78 wall ball shots, 78 kettlebell swings, 78 deadlifts with a 90-pound weight.

And if that wasn’t enough, it ends with another round of those double-unders.

Check it out – it’s definitely not for the faint of heart.

This story originally appeared on

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