Why Red Wine Could Be Better at Slowing Aging Than Diet and Exercise | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Why Red Wine Could Be Better at Slowing Aging Than Diet and Exercise

Every day, an estimated 6,800 new peer-reviewed academic articles are published. That’s a whole lot of science to wade through- but don’t fret. We’ll do the legwork for you, each and every morning. Here’s your daily dose of the latest discoveries from journals, research institutions, and news outlets from around the world.

Pour Some Wine
The fountain of youth might be in your glass: Resveratrol, the compound in red wine, may slow down aging in your body, researchers from Virginia Tech discovered. Treating older mice with resveratrol for one year helped protect synapses – or the connections between neurons – from the wear and tear of aging. That’s important, since synapse issues can lead to issues with gait, balance, and motor coordination, all which become more common as we grow older. Similar neuroprotective benefits had been seen in previous research with a healthy diet and exercise, the researchers say.

Guard Against Stroke
Young people who suffer from one kind of migraine may be at an increased risk of stroke, research in JAMA Neurology found. That’s because young adults who suffer from migraines without aura had higher odds of experiencing tears in their neck arteries, which can lead to stroke. Still, the chances of a migraine sufferer experiencing arterial dissections – and then a subsequent stroke – is still quite low, the study author told HealthDay.

Boost Your Brain
Blueberries can improve your cognitive function, new research from the University of Exeter found. When older adults drank concentrated blueberry juice – the equivalent of just over 1.5 cups – daily for 12 weeks, they showed significant increases in blood flow to the brain, and higher activation in certain brain regions associated with cognitive function.

Drop Some Pounds
More and more people are carrying too many extra kilos —but fewer people are trying to lose weight, a new study in JAMA found. Between 1988 and 1994, 53 per cent of people studied were overweight or obese, and 56 per cent of them reported that they were trying to lose weight. But between 2009 and 2014, 66 per cent of people were overweight or obese – and less than half of them said they were working to drop the pounds.

End Joint Pain
Nearly 1 in 4 adults suffer from arthritis, a new report from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found – and the condition limits their activity in some way for 44 per cent of them. What’s more, while movement can actually improve symptoms and reduce pain, one in three people with arthritis report no leisure time physical activity.

This article was originally published on MensHealth.com

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