Meet the Man Who's Raising a Family With Two Girlfriends | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Meet the Man Who’s Raising a Family With Two Girlfriends

Adam Lyons and his girlfriend, Jane, have announced that they are expecting their first child. Adam Lyons and his other girlfriend, Brooke, couldn’t be happier that their son will be gaining a sibling. Wait, what?


According to an article published in the Daily Mail, the self-proclaimed “throuple,” who live in Austin, Texas, believe they have come up with the ultimate parenting solution with their threesome that has been going strong for five years.

Lyons was dubbed the “luckiest man alive” two years ago because, you know, he lives with two girlfriends. The trio share everything – their house, their parenting responsibilities, their king-size bed (which they admit can get “a bit hot and sweaty with so many people in the bed”)– and claim life couldn’t be better.

It’s not just Lyons who thinks he’s found the perfect life. Even the mother-to-be, Jane, said that she would have never even considered kids unless she had discovered the “throuple” life.

“When I had boyfriends before, I never wanted or cared about kids,” she said, “With three parents, we can still have a social life, make time for one another and share the parenting tasks so you don’t end up like the typical sleep-deprived mom! With two partners, there’s so much help and I’ll never have to leave my kids with someone I don’t trust.”

So there you go, a “throuple” success story. Are we saying you should run home and pitch the idea to your girlfriend? Probably not, but, you know, choice is yours.

This article was originally published on

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