Drinking This Every Day Could Cut Your Risk Of Dying Early By 12 Per Cent​ | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Drinking This Every Day Could Cut Your Risk Of Dying Early By 12 Per Cent​

The secret to longevity might lie in your morning order: people who drink coffee daily are less likely to die prematurely, according to a pair of new studies.

In one study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers analysed survey data from over 520,000 people across 10 European countries on how often—and how much—coffee they drank, and performed lab work to test them for things like liver and metabolic function, along with heart disease risk.

RELATED: this type of coffee can slash your risk of prostate cancer

They discovered that men who drank the most coffee—an average of 855ml (about three and a half large cups) a day—were 12 per cent less likely to die of any cause during the 16-year follow-up than those who didn’t drink any coffee at all.

In men, the reduction in premature death seemed to be primarily driven by a sharp decline in the number of digestive-disease deaths, which includes liver-related causes. Guys who drank the most coffee were 59 per cent less likely to die of digestive disease over the follow-up than those who didn’t imbibe.

In the second study from the University of Southern California, researchers found that people who consumed one 350ml cup each day slashed their risk of dying early by 12 per cent over 16 years, while three cups reduced the risk by 18 per cent.

Prof Sir David Spiegelhalter from the University of Cambridge calculated that this meant a cup of coffee a day extended the average life of a man by three months.

“Pro-rata, that’s as if that cup of coffee puts, on average, around nine minutes on a man’s life … So perhaps we should relax and enjoy it,” he said.


We’ll sip to that.

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